

Kids between the age of 1 to 6 years own an ‘absorbent mind’. Maria Montessori observed that children further experience sensitive periods in their development of the same age. These are periods of special sensitivity when the child is attracted to certain stimuli in their environment allowing them to acquire certain knowledge and skills. These periods occur universally to all the children at approximately the same age and provide the time toward optimal development of that particular skill or knowledge.
The 3 to 6-years-kids are experiencing a process of self-build. We at Dr.KGS, encourage our kids to learn by the specifically designed Montessori material assists the child’s ability to absorb knowledge and continue on this path of self-construction.

Play Group

Age Group : 1.5 to 2.5 years

The first three years of life are the most important ones in the development of the potential of human beings. The infant’s physical development is unique and apparent and inspires our care and attention. Montessori refers to the child at this period as ‘Spiritual Embryo’. The idea is that the second embryonic period occurs after birth during the first three years of life when the child’s intelligence is formed when the child acquires the culture and language into which he or she is born. It is a period when the core of personality, social being and the essence of spiritual life are formed. It is widely recognized, that as adults we are largely the product of our first two years of life, a time of which we have no conscious memories. As maximum brain development happens during this period only. Hence, we at DKGJS, the Play Group curriculum empowers children to extend their exploration. The objective of the program is to train parents to help them nurture their child’s progress by learning and practicing through a logical approach. This program helps to cultivate the Social, Art-craft Science and Maths talents of our juniors.


Age Group : 2.5 to 3.5 years

Our (DKJGS) Nursery curriculum provides the right order of activities to assist children to move towards fulfilling their early learning objects. In the classroom, our juniors are habitually involved in reading, writing, counting, number identification, Letter recognition and problem-solving through fun-filled and application-based activities. Additionally, Music, Theater, Dance and Play is part of their learning.


Junior KG

Age Group : 3.5 to 4.5 years

The Kindergarten years are foundational years that focus on the development of fine and gross motor skills, social skills and generating curiosity for the child. In Junior KG, our kids are introduced to reading skills, numeracy concepts, experiments in everyday technology and environmental studies, along with lessons in music and movement.

Senior KG

Age Group : 4.5 to 5.5 years

Senior KG program further guides the children through the skill of cursive writing, mental arithmetic, and independent research. Rhymes, reading groups, Quiz, Maths, and Science form an integral part of their routine.
We at DKJGS teaches the concepts in fun and activity-based approach along with music, movement, and theater as well. Our goal through the Kindergarten School is to nurture a culture of freedom and curiosity, play and confidence as they are stepping stones to Primary School, where their knowledge will be further developed and nurtured.


DayCare and After School


In our DayCare (DC) and After School (AS) programs, we support children in becoming the most generous, most capable, and most resilient version of themselves. That means giving each child space, motivating, and materials they need to follow their desires whether they want to start a drama club, build a volcano, or create a comic book.
No matter where their talents take them, we create positive communities of friends with games, projects, creative arts, and plenty of play items to have kids happy, bright, and healthy. We constantly stay in taking care of our juniors in the following style.

Hygiene & Safety

For us (DKJGS), cleanliness and the safety of children implies a lot. This has translated into us taking entire care in keeping hygiene in our campus and being pro safety. We’ve originated and executed safety & hygiene measures in all our DKJGSs and have also outfitted them with CCTV cameras.

Learning with Engagement

The activities at DKJGS DC and AS focus on developing Executive Function Skills, social skills, and teamwork among children, and help them learn new things. These include, the outdoor activities ensure the physical well-being of the children, we keep the children happy & engaged through an audio-visual area and appropriate toys, The collection of children’s books at the library enhances children’s reading abilities.

Qualified Staff

We pay plenty of attention to the quality of staff employed at DKJGS. All facilitator at DKJGS is qualified and experienced to present education pleasantly and innovatively.
Friendly Ambience
Our DKJGS centers provide an environment wherein children are safe, nurtured, loved and encouraged to learn. The colorful and child-friendly ambiance continues to children’s enthusiasm and assures that they are protected.

Meals on Demand

We take care of your Junior's nutrition by offering them a safe and nutritious diet system at our DayCare. The price list for the food items are mentioned in our school fee structure, please refer to the same for more details.


  •   Plot No:3, Valluvar Nagar 1st street, Sithalapakkam, Chennai 600 126.
  •   +91 9940082514, +91 8610594712



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